Terms & conditions

These are the Terms and Conditions that will apply once you have purchased a product.

These Terms shall constitute the agreement between Victor Urquhart Smångs (organisation number 8603150114), known hereafter as ‘Victor US Running’, and the Client relating to the subject matter herein, and shall constitute a binding agreement. There is no verbal or written; representation, warranty, prior agreement, or description of services, other than as expressed herein.

The person named in the booking are hereafter referred to as the “Client” and the company Victor Urquhart Smångs (organisation number 8603150114), is hereafter referred to as “Victor US Running”.

All training and running programs and products sold by the company Victor Urquhart Smångs (organisation number 8603150114), are hereafter referred to as 'Running Product'.

Refund / Transferral policies.

In the event that the Client is not satisfied with their purchased Running Product, they should notify Victor US Running in writing within 14 days of their purchase to be eligible for a refund.

In cases where the Client has received more than 14 days worth of their Running Product, they will not be eligible for a refund.

Refund requests made after 14 days from purchase will not be eligible for a refund.

In the event that a Client feels they purchased the wrong Running Product for them, they may request a transfer to an alternative Running Product, free of charge, during the first 14 days of the Running Product. Transferrals to different programs cannot be made after 14 days of purchase.

Pricing & Fees

All Running Products are quoted and payable in EURO. Victor US Running is not responsible for any fees incurred due to currency exchange or fees charged by your credit card/bank for processing funds in another currency.

Medical conditions & special requirements

Each Running Product is planned around a particular distance and time goal and has been designed carefully. However, it is impossible to incorporate the Client's own medical background and physical and mental capabilities and how these will be affected by the Running Products.

The Client is fully responsible to ensure they are medically, physically and mentally cleared to attempt any Running Product.

Some Running Products may be unsuitable for Clients due to age, mobility, disability, pregnancy or physical or mental conditions. It is the Client’s responsibility to check their condition prior to purchasing a Running Product.

Delivery of product

Victor US Running will send your Running Product to your email address every week. Please ensure Victor US Running is on your contact list so our emails don’t go to your junk folder!

Client responsibility

By purchasing a Running Product through Victor US Running, the Client acknowledges he or she has considered the potential risks, dangers and challenges that can be associated with undertaking a Running Product.

Acceptance of risk

By booking a Running Product, the Client acknowledges that the nature of the program will involve a significant amount of intense physical exertion and potential personal risk. The Client hereby assumes all such risk and does hereby release Victor US Running, from all claims and causes of action arising from any damages or injuries or death resulting from these inherent risks if they occur during a Running Product.  

Applicable law

The Contract and these Terms and Conditions are subject to the laws of Sweden. The Company, Victor Urquhart Smångs (Organisation number: 8603150114), commonly known as “Victor US Running” exists under, and is pursuant to, the laws of Sweden.

Updating of terms & conditions

Victor US Running, reserves the right to update and/or alter these terms and conditions at any time, and it is the Client’s responsibility to be familiar with them. The latest terms and conditions may be found on Victor US Running’s website.